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Our Easter Sunday

OUR EASTER SUNDAY We spent the holy weekend at my friend’s place in Helsinki. We were there Friday until Sunday. It was a great trip. We enjoyed so much as well as the kids. I had five days free from work so it was the perfect opportunity to travel somewhere. My friend made good foods.Read More

Taking It Slow / #littleloves

TAKING IT SLOW Hello Friday and hello last day of March! How come March is almost over? I have been taking this week slow. I have been stress with work and study and it seems too much to handle all at once. I finished my homework, yes finally! And I still have one more toRead More

52 Moments 11 / Almost Spring

Almost Spring Weather has changed. Finally, the snow is melting. They’re almost gone. And for once in a long time, it feels like spring is here. From these photos you could see a lot of snow, (photos were taken about two weekends ago) but today you could barely see snow anymore. They’re melting and goingRead More

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