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Celebrating My Birthday

MY 38TH BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION Wow, I cannot believe I am now 38 years old. To be honest, I now believe that age really is just a number. If you would ask me how old I am I would not even remember it. In my heart, I am feeling so young and if you thinkRead More

Declutter And Organizing Toys

PLAYROOM FOR TODDLERS I am so happy that I finally decluttered and organized Rosie’s toys and did a minimalist playroom. It’s a to-do list for me for quite a while now and finally, I did it. It is so organized now and I really loved how it turned out.  Hello guys, I am very sorryRead More

Yanna’s 9th Rainbow Themed Birthday

RAINBOW THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY Yanna turned 9 years old! She wanted a rainbow cake, so we decided to have a Rainbow Themed Birthday party. It makes me happy because rainbow-themed is very easy. I just made a colorful balloon garland and made her a rainbow design birthday cake. My eldest is 9! Wow, I stillRead More

Our Christmas 2020

AKA CHYMECINDY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2020 Christmas 2020 was no doubt a very different Christmas from what we’ve used to. In a good way of course! It is the first Christmas we have celebrated in our new home. So it is so special for us despite this pandemic situation. We celebrated Christmas the same as usual.Read More

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