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Backstreet Boys DNA World Tour

BACKSTREET BOYS DNA WORLD TOUR IN HELSINKI JUNE 5, 2019 Hartwall Arena It was epic, an unforgettable one. The Backstreet Boys DNA World Tour concert in Helsinki was amazing. This is my second time to watch the BSB concert in Helsinki and I would say it is a lot crowded now than it was 5Read More

Home Office Tour

OUR HOME OFFICE / A QUICK TOUR We have our home office in the corner of our living room. Although I don’t sit in the home office as much as I have when I was still studying. We still keep the office easy to access. I sit here only when I blog. Although I sometimesRead More

Last Day Of Grade One

RIANNA’S LAST DAY OF GRADE ONE We are very proud of our beloved daughter today June 1st, as she finished her Grade One. I can still remember back last year on her first day of grade one. I was so nervous and happy at the same time. I could not believe that my little girlRead More

Rianna’s Bedroom Tour

RIANNA’S BEDROOM / A QUICK TOUR Just a quick home tour update. Today sharing Rianna’s bedroom. As I’ve mentioned in the last post we have one month left in this apartment, so I would like to share as many photos as I can before we move. Surely, the other apartment looks different from here soRead More

Our Living Room

OUR LIVING ROOM Our living room is the biggest room in this apartment. It’s where we spent a lot of time. We watch movies here, sleep here, and relax here. It is indeed a family room as we spent too much time here as a family. Because we only have one bedroom in this apartment,Read More

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