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Mom And Daughter Date

MOVIE AND PARK DATE Sunday, 30th of June finally we finished moving all our stuff to the new apartment. It was time to do something else. The weather was warm and sunny. There is a second movie- Secret Life of Pets. Rianna loves that movie so much so we agreed we watch the movie togetherRead More

Pregnancy Update / Week 9-13

PREGNANCY MONTH THREE Here’s another weekly pregnancy update. This is my third month of pregnancy. Sharing my feelings and pregnancy symptoms. This month was harder than I thought. Being sick every day and vomited almost every day. It was really hard especially at work and I am so happy that is over. I am nowRead More

Pregnancy Update / Week 5-8

PREGNANCY MONTH TWO It still feels surreal knowing that I am really pregnant and that we are having a baby at the end of this year. Here’s my pregnancy month two update. 5- 8 weekly pregnancy update. I’m sharing my feelings and pregnancy symptoms from the very first day we found out I am pregnantRead More

The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant

Positive Pregnancy Test On April 17th. My period was due on April 11th and it didn’t come. I had my Nexplanon implant removed on March 12th. Two days later March 14th my period had started and lasted for a few days. I didn’t have any period anymore the following month. April 17th Positive Pregnancy TestRead More

The 12-Week Scan

THE 12-WEEK SCAN APPOINTMENT JUNE 11, PORVOO The 12-week scan on June 11th (my birthday) went well and we are very happy the baby is healthy. Supposedly exactly 12 weeks but the baby size says it’s 12+2, (so the due date is now moved again).  It really was the most beautiful birthday gift I’ve ever received. ToRead More

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