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17 Weeks Pregnant Bikini Photos

BIKINI PHOTOS AT 17 WEEKS PREGNANT Who would have thought I could pose for bikini photos like this at 17 weeks pregnant. I’ve never been comfortable showing my body but these photos remind me to be confident with myself whether I look good or not. I am not as well confident to share bikini photosRead More

Manila Ocean Park

A VISIT TO MANILA OCEAN PARK I totally forgot to share blog posts about my Philippines trip last year. We have visited a lot of places and I haven’t shared them all yet. Today sharing our experiences during our visit to Manila Ocean Park. On our way back to Helsinki our flight was from ManilaRead More

Summer So Far

WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO THIS SUMMER SO FAR I haven’t been updated so much here about how our summer going on lately. We have not done anything special either. This past few weeks we are busy moving to the new apartment. I am also working so we really didn’t do anything that special yet.Read More

We’ve Moved Out

MOVING OUT OF OLD APARTMENT We have finally moved out of our old apartment in the last week of June. We had a lot of things and it took us days to finally moved all our things to the new apartment. On June 28th we spent our first night at the new apartment. We areRead More

A Pregnancy Journal

A BLOSSOMING JOURNEY- PREGNANCY JOURNAL It is like a tradition to me to write a pregnancy journal whether daily or weekly. This is my way to document everything and not forget any single details. I love writing a pregnancy journal because I’d like to read them again someday. I could also use it is aRead More

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