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Picnic In The Park

PICNIC AT THE PARK WITH MY GIRL Wow loving this weather lately. It is finally time to have a picnic in the park. It is really hot and sunny. I feel like I am somewhere and not in Finland. It is very unusual to have this kind of summer in Finland. But I know thisRead More

Limassol Marina

VISITING THE LIMASSOL MARINA We visited Limassol for a day when we were in Platres, Cyprus. It is the neighboring city. I always wanted to visit Limassol and thankfully we finally did. The main attraction is the Limassol Marina. We decided just to go there and to see the beach as well.

Layover in Munich Germany

OUR LAYOVER IN MUNICH, GERMANY We had about 3 hours layover in Munich, Germany on our flights back home. I do wish we have more time than 3 hours so we could explore Munich. We were very tired at that time and although we wish to stay longer we also wish to arrive home quicklyRead More

Pregnancy Update / Week 18

WEEK 18 PREGNANCY UPDATES Hello! Another weekly pregnancy update here. We are now in our 18th weeks of pregnancy. The beginning of the 5th month. Wow! How time flies. I cannot believe I am now 5 months pregnant. It feels like it was just yesterday when I looked at that stick with two lines.

The Sandy Bay Beach

A DAY AT THE SANDY BAY BEACH While on holiday in Ayia Napa, Cyprus we spent many times in the Sandy Bay beach. We stayed in Pavlo Napa beach hotel which has its own swimming pool. The Sandy Bay beach is right in front of the hotel, so it was so perfect for us toRead More

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