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Pregnancy Update / Week 20

WEEK 20 PREGNANCY UPDATES Wow, we are in our 20 weeks of pregnancy now. That means we are halfway there. Time is passing by so quickly now, week by week which makes me happy ,by the way. I cannot wait for my maternity leave to start and of course for the baby to come soon!Read More

Meripäivä 2019

MERIPÄIVÄ IN KOTKA WITH FRIENDS It is a time of the year again. The most awaited big event in Kotka called “Meripäivä”. It is also part of our friend’s meetup plan. We all want to attend meripäivä and do the meetup as well. It was such a lovely weekend and so glad to do someRead More

The 20-Week Ultrasound

20-WEEK ANATOMY SCAN Today we had our third and last ultrasound. An anatomy scan where we’ve seen all the internal and external organ of the baby. Everything looks good. The baby’s internal organs look good. The baby had 5 fingers and toes. The lips look okay, eyes, ears, nose, brain, etc. I am 20+1 weeksRead More

Pregnancy Update / Week 19

WEEK 19 PREGNANCY UPDATES Hello! Another weekly pregnancy update here. We are now in our 19th weeks of pregnancy. How time flies really fast. On my 12th week appointment, my due date was moved two days early, so the week should start on Sundays. However, I still count the week changes on Tuesdays. Today isRead More

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