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Christmas Season

The Christmas season is the most magical season of the year. The season to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. Christmas is indeed the most exciting event of the year. Everyone is happy, loved and inspired. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON I love Christmas so much and I am always excited when Christmas is coming. There are two greatRead More

Eats / Ferrero Chocolate Cake

FERRERO CHOCOLATE CAKE RECIPE Ferrero chocolate cake is easy to make because you basically just make any chocolate cake and decorate it with Ferrero chocolates. I love Ferrero rocher chocolates and I love chocolate cake. So baking a Ferrero chocolate cake is just as yummy as it sounds. Decorating the cake is easy and youRead More

This Year Versus Last Year

THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR I wonder why I haven’t posted these photos from last year. We took these on a winter day on the railway. I remember when we took these photos and I loved them. Why it wasn’t posted on the blog? That I don’t remember why. Anyway, this is a nice comparisonRead More

Rianna’s 8th Birthday

RIANNA IS TURNING 8 TODAY Today my baby girl is turning 8! She’s growing up too fast and hard to believe that Rianna is now EIGHT! It feels like it was only yesterday that I gave birth. Now it makes me feel really old. Happy Birthday to my sweet Rianna! I love her so much!Read More

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