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White Flowers And Dress

I bought this white dress in Asos. com online a few months ago (wintertime) and it’s the first time that I wore it now. It’s hard to buy clothes online especially if you are not sure about your size. I was worried when I ordered these dresses but when they arrived I was surprised thatRead More

Stockholm Visit

Like I said in my last post I had a cruise ship trip to Stockholm last Tuesday. It was my first time in a cruise ship and it was so fun. It takes 14 hours to arrive in Stockholm. My family and friends had a good time on the ship. Although we didn’t actually exploreRead More


Some photos I took a few days ago. So many wild and colourful flowers in our backyard. They look messy and attractive at the same time. Spring and summer always look like this. So many wildflowers everywhere.

Summer Is…

Summer is wearing shorts, sleeveless tops and anything comfortable. Summer is enjoying the sun making our skin tan. Summer is having fun swimming at the beach and enjoy the warm water. Summer is sitting in your backyard while listening good music. Summer is having a picnic with love ones and friends in the wide field.Read More

Zoo Visit

I live more than a year here in Finland and it’s odd that I just visited the animal zoo in Helsinki (last Wednesday). It’s not that I am not interested to see animals, it’s just that we never planned to go there until this month. The original plan was we were going to Linanmäki withRead More

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