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Photograph+Words # 48 To 54

PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 48 (2.17.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 49 (2.18.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 50 (2.19.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 51 (2.20.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 52 (2.21.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 53 (2.22.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 54 (2.23.13) Good relationships don’t just happen. They take time, patience and two people getting through all the hard times together. Happy weekend!

Photograph+Words # 41 to 47

PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 41 (2.10.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 42 (2.11.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 43 (2.12.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 44 (2.13.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 45 (2.14.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 46 (2.15.13) PHOTOGRAPH+WORDS # 47 (2.16.13) Here are the photos of my project 365, photograph+words #41- 47. This week i used quotes about life. My favorite quote is: Nobody in life gets exactlyRead More

Happy Hearts Day

A Perfect Moment by chymecindy A beautiful eyes stares at me, Right here in front of me. Your eyes are so beautiful as your soul, You are such an angel from heaven above. I hugged my pillow tight each time i sleep, Hugging it so tightly as i hug you in real. You are the sweetestRead More

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