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Is It Spring Yet?

Hello everyone! Happy first day of April. I cannot believe it’s April already. Time flies! Anyway, I wore this outfit on Holy Thursday when we went to the supermarket to buy food for the weekend. The store was very full as it was holiday the following days and everyone’s doing their groceries for the whole weekend.Read More

Photograph+Words # 83 to 89

Photograph+Words # 83 to 89. Photos taken from March 24 until March 30. How’s everyone doing? How did you celebrate the Hoy Week? Tonight baby girl and I will be heading to Helsinki to met our friends. We are going to Stockholm tomorrow to spend our easter weekends. I am hoping for a fun andRead More

Hello Spring

  Hello spring! Yes I can finally say: “hello spring”. As you can see the snow are melting and the sun is shining brightly and warm. I can feel the hotness of the sun in my skin. This is everyone’s waiting for. I hope this is it and no more snowing. Everyone is tired ofRead More

Photograph+Words # 76- 82

Photograph+words # 76- 82.  The longer I’ve been doing this photo a day project the more I lost interests on it. This week has gone by quickly and I found myself stacked somewhere and uninspired. Thus, taking photo a day was very hard to do. I will try to be back on track next weekRead More

Yellow Flowers

“Flowers”by chymecindy Life with you is a happiness, You are so adorable and  fresh,Like a flowersGiving colors and dreams. You brought laughter in my tears,Making me smile, hope and dream.With you i feel complete,You are the flowers i will keep. Wild flower photos from last year. We know it is spring already when these flowersRead More

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