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Family Photos Enjoyed Swimming

THE SWIMMING POOL The most highlights on our Cyprus trip was the swimming pool at the hotel we stayed at. It was huge and nice. We spent almost every day there swimming and playing with a baby girl. They also have a kiddy pool so it was perfect if you have little ones. The weather wasRead More

Banana- Raspberry Smoothie

This is actually hubby’s smoothie recipe. This is what he usually drinks after he’s home from the gym. This is his favorite drink. Sometimes we also allow the baby to drink it. Me, I don’t! I’m not into the banana mix with other food kinda thing. I do not like the taste. I know IRead More

A Day In Linnanmäki

One of the summer tradition here in Finland is to visit Linnanmäki at least once or twice in summer. It is  the most famous amusement park in Helsinki. Last Friday we went there along with the kids and my friends. It was my second visit. My first time visit was in 2011. I didn’t comeRead More

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