Welcome to Aka Chymecindy blog!
Aka Chymecindy is a lifestyle blog about motherhood, family, and travel. We share things about childhood, parenting, photography, recipes, and home interiors. I also write here about my life in Finland as an immigrant. All the ups and downs in life, faith, hope, and thoughts. This is my creative outlet and serves as my online journal.
My name is Cindy, a mama, photographer, and dreamer. I am a Filipino living in Finland. I was born and raised in the Philippines. In 2011, I packed my belongings and move to Finland. I live here since then. I love to document and celebrate life every day. My hobbies include photography, baking, and blogging. I have two beautiful daughters. I love the color yellow and white.
Read why I blog here.
Why A.k.a Chymecindy?
When I was in college my friends start calling me Cindy. Chyme is a word I found in the dictionary. Chyme plus Cindy equals Chyme Cindy. I just combined the words together. Chymecindy is my username since then. A.k.a means also known as.
When and why did you start blogging?
I actually started blogging in 2009. That time I didn’t know what I was doing and discontinued the blog.
When I moved to Finland in January 2011, I started a new blog where I write all my thoughts and feelings about the new country I am in. I documented all of my new experiences and my life in Finland. This is my diary and photo journal. This is where I share my thoughts, inspirations, and passion in life.
What camera and lens do you use? How did you edit your photos?
I used Nikon D3100 with a 35mm 1.8g lens in most of the photos here. I have the kit lens and the zoom lens, but I love using the prime lens as it is light and it takes good photos.
Starting from May 2017, all the photos are taken with Canon 80D and EF 50mm 1.4 lenses. I use the EFS 24mm 2.8 pancake lens when traveling as it is light and tiny.
All the photos here are edited in Adobe Lightroom. I am still not an expert when it comes to photo editing but I love how fast I can edit photos through Lightroom.
Do you accept blog sponsorship?
I do accept product reviews and a sponsored post. Please do not hesitate to email me for sponsorship inquiries. Note that I will only accept ads that are related to the content of the blog.