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Rosie’s Room Tour


Finally a room tour! But you guys how long have I been absent from this blog? Life has been so busy lately with small kids, and having a youtube channel also makes life busier. You can watch our vlog over at Meu & Mea on youtube.

Anyway, I am so happy that I was able to finish Rosie’s toddler room. The last thing that was missing was the play kitchen area. But now it is finished and complete, therefore so happy to share it with you.

In the room, we added a reading corner in which we attached bookshelves on the wall and display all her books. On the other side of the bed is the canopy, which serves as also a reading corner or simply just a playing area.

This room looks so different before we remove the wallpapers and painted them white. The walls with wallpaper were very dark and I didn’t like it. So I removed all the wallpapers and we painted them. I then added some floral wall decals to make it look nicer and the room looks girly.

She has a house bed which we bought from the FB marketplace (so lucky, new ones are expensive). I decorated the bed with plastic flowers and fairy lights. Added a cute duvet cover and then piled her soft toys.

On the opposite side of the wall is the play area where I arranged all her toys in the kallax unit. And in the middle are her small table and chair.

We also built a play kitchen area. I bought a lot of wooden kitchen toys. So they really are perfect in this area.

Rosie loves her room so much. And I had fun decorating this room. It took months to finish and so happy that it is finally done.

What do you think of my toddler’s room?


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