My Birth Story Video
It’s been so long time since I have planned to film Rosie’s birth story. I just thought that it was so emotional and so private to share. Although, I did write her birth story here on the blog a few months back.
However, last week I finally had a chance to film my unexpected vacuum-assisted delivery birth story. It was really hard for me to film and I’m glad that it is over. I have not told anyone the real story of Rosie’s birth. Some people just don’t understand and instead judge you. So, I didn’t really talk about it much. But it is now up on Meu & Mea youtube channel, so just go ahead and watch it. Also, don’t forget to leave comments, like the video, and subscribe to our channel.
Having a channel is one of the main reasons why I am not very active here on the blog anymore. It is just so hard to find time to vlog and blog at the same time. Also, I really love vlogging and it is my new passion now. I am also back to work now, so my free time is very limited. It is hard to balance time between having a toddler, work, and doing a hobby. I do hope that once I am used to be back to working again, that I know how to manage my time between family, vlogging, blogging, and also taking care of myself. I actually miss this blog. Writing has always been my stress therapy. If you are an old blog reader, please bear with me. I promise to write here whenever I get a chance. Thank you so much for understanding. I have a lot to share. But not so much time to do it all. But I will get there somehow. In the meantime, you can follow my journey over on Meu & Mea channel.