The cherry blossom season 2020 has come. It is at this time of the year again when we see beautiful cherry blossom trees. Am I the only one who is excited to see the cherry blossom? I hope not!
I am always excited when Spring comes. One of the reasons is to see the beautiful cherry blossom. We only have one big cherry blossom park here in Finland. It is called the Roihuvuoren kirsikkapuisto where the Hanami Festival is happening every year. I really wanted to go there because you know to take nice photos of the cherry blossom. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it is very risky to go and meet with other people. So, we thought we could find some cherry blossom trees nearby us which we did. We found cherry blossom trees in the park near the library in Porvoo. I was so happy we found it.
It is so special this year because it is our first baby’s cherry blossom season. As a parent, this is such a big milestone. That’s why in my mind, I really wanted to take baby Rosie’s nice photos with the cherry blossoms. So, I made sure she wears a cute outfit hahaha. Her outfit matches the flower’s color. It’s so pretty. When we took these photos, the baby was so behaved and did not cry, and I was so happy about it.
It was Mother’s Day when we went there so it was a great Mother’s Day gift for me. The park was small but it is under construction which I believe will improve the place. I think they will plant more trees there. There were only a few people who come there so I would say it is much safer compared to when you visit the Roihuvuren kirsikkapuisto. We had a great there and I was so happy to take these beautiful photos. Our family keepsakes.
Lastly, I also made a short film about cherry blossoms. You can watch it on our youtube channel- Meu & Mea. Subscribe if you like my channel. Thank you!