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Rosie’s Four Months Update


Little Rosie is four months old. She’s been with us for four months now. Sometimes I am pinching myself. I still can remember those days when I said that I want more babies. And now she’s four months old. She is such a dream! 

Rosie turns four months on April 22nd. I still cannot believe our little babe is no longer a newborn. Time flies by really quickly now. Soon we say goodbye to April. Here is a quick four months old update.


Rosie has been sleeping in her crib since she was 8 weeks old. By then she was waking up a few times at night to feed. At three months, she only wakes up once. Sometimes twice, it varies sometimes.

We decided to join the kid’s room when Rosie was almost 4 months old. That means she and her big sister are sleeping in one room while I sleep in the other room. We bought a camera that can be viewed through the iPhone and iPad. So we just use that one to monitor her sleeping. When she wakes up around 2 or 4 Am I go to there room and put her back to sleep. Most of the time, I move her to bed with me. She sleeps until 6-7 AM.

We do the same bedtime routine. We start it at 7 PM and by 7:30 she’s asleep already. I’m happy that Rosie is a good sleeper. We always put her down in crib sleepy, and she falls asleep on her own. I’m so proud of this little babe. We can start to relax when she’s asleep. And have time for movie night or just being cozy on the couch.


She is now trained to nap in her crib during the day. It was hard the first week of training as she couldn’t sleep there. But then she learned and now napping in the crib without issues. She naps 3 times a day. The morning nap lasts 30 minutes to one hour. Afternoon naps, she sleeps 2-3 hours. And the last nap from 1-2 hours. We try to keep her awake around 6 PM to be ready for bedtime at 7 PM. 


When she was three months she dislikes sucking my boobs. During the day she only takes a bottle with formula. She doesn’t want to nurse no matter how much I tried. So I had to pump. During the night and early morning, she takes the boob without any issue. I think it’s for comfort but I loved it. Now, that she doesn’t nurse so much anymore, I miss those days when she stays nursing all the time. The first few weeks we were co-sleeping and I was breastfeeding her all the time. I miss the breastfeeding bonding we had. It doesn’t last long and it makes me sad. 

Now at four months, she only nurses 1-2 times a day. I continue pumping but my supply becomes less and less. Especially now that she’s not nursing anymore. I still want to continue breastfeeding. Even though I also consider quitting already. But I still have milk, so I will stop when I am totally dried up.

This makes me really sad because I aim to breastfeed at least until 6 months. A year if lucky. But I have a supply issue from the very beginning and I always produce less milk. We supplement from the very beginning. I attempted to stop giving her formula, but then I was worried that my milk would not be enough for her. She cried a lot when she was newborn because she was hungry. So supplementing was something we really had to do.

We raised her formula from 120ml to 150 ml. She’s hungry again 2-3hours after feeding. We give more during the last feed at bedtime at 7 PM.

Sleeping in her side or tummy:

Those first nights she slept on her side and tummy, I was so worried. I always up putting her back to her back. She always goes back to her side or belly. But then I read somewhere that if the baby sleeps in their side or belly, just let them be. So now I just let her sleep in any position she prefers to. Whatever she is comfortable with. She sleeps better.


Rosie laughed a few times from three months old. Yesterday she laughs again. She doesn’t laugh often yet but so nice if she does.

She’s been rolling over a lot lately. She can roll from back to tummy. She has good head control now and left it really high. The shoulders are also stronger now. We can not leave her alone because it’s automatic that she roll over right away. She loves playing in the playmat and every time she is there, she automatically rolls over.

She can hold and grab toys now. She can watch moving objects and pay attention to her environment. When we are outside, she’s very curious and loves looking around. I can not wait for warmer days so we could spend more time outside. I’m sure she loves being outdoors.

We recently bought her a teether. However, she loves eating and sucking her hands. She now talks a lot when we talk with her. She’s more alert and is growing so much. She now weighs 6kg+… As to clothes, she’s wearing a size 68. She has a few size 2 diapers and is very small for her. We are moving to size 3 diapers right after we finish the size 2.

And that’s all for Rosie’s four months old update. She doesn’t look like a newborn anymore. It’s like a single wink and she is a big girl already. Where did the time go? I want her to be a little still.

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