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Rosie’s Two Months Update


Our little Rosiebelle is two months old. Where did the time goes? It feels like it was only yesterday when I gave birth. So many things have changed since this little babe arrived. She is our little princess and every day she makes me happy, strong and motivate me to be a good mama.

We had our two-month appointment last week. And this is the latest measurements:
Weight: 5.260 g
Height: 56.1 cm
Head: 37.5 cm

Everything went well during our appointment. Baby Rosie is healthy and is gaining weight normally. Nothing to worry about. She also received a vaccine.

We are home most of the time unless we need to go somewhere very important. There is ongoing construction in the building and it’s so hard to take out the stroller and put back. Also, it’s a little dangerous to go up and down the stairs. I hope the construction will finish soon so we can go back to our daily walking. I also hate the loud noise they made.

She now smiles a lot and responds when you talk to her. She can now focus and watch toys in front of her. We do tummy time every day. She doesn’t like tummy time so much but I always encourage her.


I didn’t expect that we are done co-sleeping this fast. I mentioned on her first-month update that we are co-sleeping since day one to make things easier. It was great and it was really nice to sleep next to baby Rosie even though I was worried about the risk of cosleeping. We had a great bonding and I enjoyed every second. It made breastfeeding easier. I didn’t expect we would stop co-sleeping right away. I was thinking that it may take months for her to get used to sleeping on her own crib.

However, when she turned eight weeks old, things changed. One night I put her on her crib to sleep and was a surprise that she slept really well. She then sleeps there ever since until now. Our bedtime is so much easier now. No more crying baby. I honestly don’t know how it happened. It just happened and I am so happy. I think the bedtime routine helps a lot. I started the bedtime routine around 6:00- 7 pm. We change diapers, put pajamas and little massage (sometimes no massage). Then, I put her to bed. Put her sleeping sack and formula feed. During the feeding, she is already very sleepy. After she eats, I put on lullaby music on her crib mobile. I normally play white noise. I leave her drowsy alone in her crib and she falls asleep fast. Sometimes I read stories to her and I notice how fast she falls asleep whether reading her a story or playing lullabies. She’s asleep mostly around 7- 7:30 pm.

She wakes up around 12mn or 1 AM. I breastfeed her and give her formula. She goes back to sleep 30 minutes to one hour later. It depends and varies on a daily basis. She still wakes up 2-3 times until morning. I am hoping she would sleep through the night. But she is only two months old. So, I will be patient for now. :) At least bedtime is so much easier now. I sleep when she sleeps and awake when she’s awake.


During the day, however, is a different story. It is difficult for her to fall asleep. She sleeps a few minutes and then wakes up. When she falls asleep on me I don’t move because she wakes up when I do. We put her to sleep on the balcony every day. There she sleeps so well and can sleep for three hours. It’s her favorite place to nap. I think because it is a little bit cold outside and fresh air helps.


I continue breastfeeding as well as supplementing formula every other three hours. Lately, I give her 120ml of formula ( 9 weeks old ) every three hours. At first, she couldn’t finish 90ml but now 120 is good. She is gaining weight. I love breastfeeding and so happy that I still have milk until now. However, I do wish to breastfeed exclusively, but also I find it easier for us to feed her formula, especially when we are out somewhere. I haven’t tried breastfeeding in public yet but I have tried nursing hiding in the bathroom. :) I thought at first that breastfeeding is a lot easier when we are out and about. No need to bring bottles and milk. But I realized later on how hard breastfeeding is especially when we are out somewhere. I guess I’m just not used to it.

And that’s all for Rosie’s second-month update. We took her monthly photos on time this time. :) I would love to take her monthly photos until she turns one. I am also taking her photos and videos every single day. Mama is crazy here. Trying to document everything. Also, It’s because I want to make her a one-year photo book later.

Read baby Rosie’s monthly update here. Also, follow our daily adventures on Instagram. I shared more photos and stories there.

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