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Rosie’s Three Months Update


Our little Rosie is now three months old. Not a newborn anymore. Wow, I just cannot believe we are here already. This little babe is growing so fast.

Three months old. Wow! When Rosie was born, thinking about three months seems so far away. But now here we are. Three months later and so many changes already. She’s definitely not a newborn anymore. She is in bed by 7 PM, and the house is so quiet by then makes us think, “do we have a baby?”. “Where is the baby?”. Comparing to a few weeks ago when there were a lot of cries especially during the night. She is in the stage where she engages in communication using her own words. If you talk with her, she looks at you in the eyes and talks back. She answers with her own words. She smiles a lot too! It’s so cute. She is an easy baby and I am so happy that now we can sleep better. When I am tired she smiles at me and all of a sudden I am alive again. She became my stress therapy. I am so grateful for having her in my life.

She loves to play on her gym mat. She can now hold the toys. She loves tummy time but doesn’t want to do it longer than 15 minutes. She learned to suck her thumb and hands. She kicks her legs a lot. She likes to roll from back to the side. And sometimes sleeps on her side. She’s trying to roll over and recently learned how to do it on her own. At first, it was only from back to her side. But now she can do from back to her tummy. Just recently she’s napping on the swing. She never liked the swing before but now she loves it. She naps there for 30 minutes and more. She still prefers napping on the car seat though. We put her on the balcony 1-2 times a day for a nap. She sleeps better there and is good for fresh air.


We are still breastfeeding, thankfully. However, there are times during the day that Rosie refused my boobs and cries. This really alarms me and it makes me scared to lose my milk supply completely. That’s why I started to pump 2-3 times a day. She only doesn’t want to nurse during the day but at night she is only breastfeeding as I decided to stop giving her formula. She wakes up around 2-3 AM and during that time I nurse her or give the pacifier to put her back to sleep. If she doesn’t go back to sleep and cry then that’s the time I give her formula. She still eats 120ml of formula and breastmilk every three hours. The last feed of the day is at 7 PM.


We feel so lucky that this little babe goes to sleep around 7:30 PM. We start our bedtime routine at 7:00. Our bedtime routine consists of: changing a diaper, put on pajama, I nurse her, reading books, then give her formula, and burp. After that, I put her sleep sack and put her to her crib awake but drowsy. I put on music on her crib mobile and leave her. By 7:30 PM she already asleep. I am really happy about this. A few weeks ago, this was just a dream but now it’s a reality. So nice to relax and rest early and to have time to sit on the sofa or do something else while the baby is fast asleep.

Recently she is so fussy by 6 PM, so we tried to start the bedtime a little bit early. Also, making the bedtime routine short and quick. First, we change the diaper, put on pajamas, put on sleep sack, put her to her crib and then formula feeding. After eating, she falls asleep fast and I leave the room. Sometimes she is still awake when I leave the room, but then fall asleep on her own 5-10 minutes later. She’s been doing bedtime routine since she was 8 weeks old, and has been sleeping from 7- 7:30 onwards. Mostly wakes up 1-2 times. One night she sleeps from 7:30 PM until 5:30 AM. That was unbelievable. I am hoping that she will sleep for 10 hours more. But right now, I am so happy already if she’s sleeping 5-7 hours stretch.


We are mostly at home now. Due to coronavirus, I am afraid to go outside of the house. It is also due to the construction in our building that going down the stairs is not very safe. Hopefully, they will finish putting the elevator soon. The weather is getting warmer and we have sunlight almost every day and it is really nice to go outside but because of this pandemic, I am afraid we stay home as much as we can. I love spending indoors with baby Rosie. Also, we live in a small town, so we can still go out without anyone nearby. Like the other day, I decided to go out to enjoy the sun and fresh air. It was really nice and refreshing.

If she is not napping, we are just playing, listening to music, singing, dancing, reading, etc. I love that she now coos a lot and it is so nice to see her smile a lot too! She makes me happy all the time. I feel like I am always smiling too which is kind of weird. :) I am trying to multitask household chores whenever she is napping or awake but playing on her own.


We had a three-month check-up on March 26. Everything’s good. Baby Rosie is growing fast and healthy. She received three vaccines including one shot of Hep. We talked about the food which she can start next month. I am looking forward to making baby food and see what food she likes and doesn’t like. Next month we will meet with the pediatrician for her four-month-old check-up. She will get more vaccines too!

Weight: 5845 g
Height: 60.6 cm

So that’s all for Rosie’s three months old update. This little babe is growing fast. As to clothing, she now wears 62-68 sizes of clothes and number 2 diapers. I kept away small and newborn clothes. As the weather gets warmer, I cannot wait to spend more time outside with the baby. Yesterday we were enjoying the sun right in our terrace. It was warm and it feels like summer. I hope that we all pass the coronovirus crisis, so we all can enjoy warm weather and spend more time outdoors.

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