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The Baby Nursery


I am so happy to say that finally, the baby nursery is now ready and complete. I wanted a clean and bright nursery. So I chose a minimalist theme. Everything white as much as possible. In addition, I am happy that the small baby nursery fits in the corner of our bedroom.

We only have a three-room apartment. Two bedrooms, living room, and a kitchen. One is the master’s bedroom and the second is Rianna’s bedroom. We set up the baby nursery in the master’s bedroom. We are lucky that our bedroom is wide. It fits all the furniture we need for the baby. We set the baby nursery in the corner near the window. Surprisingly, the baby’s crib, 2 dressers, and armchair fit there. I love the nursery. It is exactly what I want. We don’t need another room for the baby. It is even easier for us if the baby shares the room with us.


The baby’s bed is set up next to the bedside table on my side. We intend to put the bed there so I am near. It is easier for me to take the baby when she cries especially during the night. On the crib, we hang a mobile. It has music on it and dim lights. I hope the baby likes it. Also, we hang a canopy. Just for decor purposes. We also put the bed bumpers but after reading online how unsafe they are, I am thinking to remove them as soon as the baby comes. We don’t want to risk anything, you know!


As mentioned in this post- “Organizing Baby’s Clothes“, we do not use a separate changing table. Instead, we only use a dresser. On top of one dresser, we put a changing pad and a small basket. The small basket consists of diapers, sanitizers, baby wipes, and lotion. It is easy and simple. We don’t know if it is good as we haven’t tried changing the baby there, but we will as soon as the baby comes. However, I believed that it will work perfectly there. Not putting a changing table saves space in the room.


For comfort sake, I really wanted to have a nursing area and a book reading corner. It is easy and making me comfortable if I am sitting in the armchair while breastfeeding. It is a lifesaver, especially during night breastfeeding. Also, in this corner is perfect to sit down and read a book for the baby. I bought a nursing pillow (not pictured) also for breastfeeding comfort. Besides the armchair is the trash can where we can throw away quickly the dirty diapers. I also put this bookshelf, so we can put anything cute baby things. And of course to put there some baby books.

So that’s our minimalist baby nursery. It’s simple and organized. For the links of the products we use, you can check from my separate blog post- “Things We Purchased For Baby.” I shared where we purchased everything we bought for the baby and the nursery.

baby nursery

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