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Pregnancy Update / Week 33


Here’s another weekly pregnancy update.  33 weeks and I am officially on maternity leave. Only 7 weeks until the due date and who knows when is the baby coming. I am almost ready but praying that the baby will stay inside for a while at least 38 weeks.


November 3- 9

The baby shower was finally over. It was a lovely Saturday afternoon to celebrate the baby shower with our friends. I was expecting to receive more diapers lol but no except the diaper cake. However, we are very grateful for all the gifts we get. Not what I was expecting to get but very happy and grateful for everyone’s effort and giving.

I had neuvola on Tuesday, November 5th. Everything’s good. My hemoglobin is good but still advised to take iron every other day. I heard the baby’s heartbeat. The baby’s head is now down. The back on the left side and the baby’s bottom is on top. Everythings are good and healthy. I have gained already 10 kilos, oops!!! I will gain more for sure but it’s okay as the baby is gaining a pound a week. Also, I have some swelling in my legs, feet and hands.  I really feel so big now soon I am going to explode. :)



It is cold now. Already snowing here, so it is probably because of that. I always have this sinusitis problem even though I was still in the Philippines. It got worse here because of the cold weather. Lately, sleeping is hard because I cannot breathe well due to a dry and stuffy nose. I always put Vicks and it helps a little.


At 33 weeks I noticed that my fingers are gotten big. My legs we’re already growing big a few weeks ago. I also feel like my face is getting fat hahaha. I mean, I look so big and fat now. But I am not worried because I will lose this weight fast as soon as I give birth.


I cannot stop eating sweets lately. And I know it is the number one reason for my rapid weight gain. I am gaining one kilo per week. What???? Also, I got swollen legs and hands so that counts for more weight. I thought I’d gain 10 kilos the whole pregnancy because I was really small and hardly gaining weight before my third trimester. But now, at 8 months I gained weight so rapidly. Is it even normal to gain weight more than a kilo per week? I don’t even eat more. My diet didn’t change, except of course eating some sweets which I shouldn’t while pregnant. But other than that the food I’m eating is the same. I even eat less now that I am home. My appetite for food is gone. However, I am still gaining so I don’t know why. Probably because of the baby gaining more weight now.


Now it is also visible going up. I had linea Negra on my first pregnancy so I expect it will also appear now. However, I am happy that I don’t have stretch marks yet. As they said, my belly looks so fine. I really hope I won’t get any stretch marks during this pregnancy and after delivery. But we never know.


I have pelvic pain even weeks before. It’s hard to roll over in bed changing sleeping positions. Right now I am switching from sleeping on my left side to the right side. Sleeping is really hard now but I am trying to get some sleep as much as I can. I try not to drink 30 mins-1 hours before I go to bed so I don’t have to wake up to pee. This works perfectly until now.

So, that’s the weekly pregnancy update for week 33. Also, I have to add that the Braxton Hicks stops now that I am home and didn’t move too much. I am now on my 4th week of sick leave. I will not go back to work anymore. Already on maternity leave and been home for almost a month now. It really helped. Now I don’t feel abdominal cramps and BH. But having pelvic pain sometimes especially when I am walking.

Follow my weekly pregnancy update and my pregnancy here.

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