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Pregnancy Update / Week 25


Here we go again with another pregnancy update. We are in our 25th week. Everything is good here. I feel tired at times but I can still go to work and survive the 8 hour shift. I am trying to eat healthy. I defininetly enjoying this baby bump and taking as much photos I can. This will be the last pregnancy so I’m trying to document everything.


September 8- 14

This week I had:

GLUCOSE TEST: This is my second test. The first one was in July when I was at 16 weeks of pregnancy. The result went fine. And now at 25 weeks, I have another one. I really hate this test but I just need to participate and get it done. I had fasted for 8 hours and had the test in the morning.

NEUVOLA: I also had an appointment with my nurse on the same day I had my glucose test on September 12th. Everything was fine during my appointment. At 25 weeks I have 54,0 kg which means I’ve gained about 5 kilos so far. We talked about where hospital I should give birth. I’m thinking the nearest one but we have time to talk and decide. She also asked if we have everything ready for the baby like the bed, strollers, clothes, car seat, etc. Trying to get ready everything little by little. We have a car seat, stroller, and clothes. Still, need to pick up the baby’s bed and buy other things we need. We have still have enough time.

Yanna has been talking and asking about the baby every single day. She is more excited than us. This week we start to read a book for the baby. I’m doing this to teach Yanna to read Finnish as well as English book. So far it went fine. And Yanna has been very eager to learn and do it. She also likes putting lotion on my feet and bio-oil on my belly. She is really caring and I really love it. She knows that I get tired easily and she wants to always help me. She is also telling stories and singing to the baby. She’s a really sweet big sister.



Meu said he can feel the baby kicks when he put his hand on my belly. I can also definitely see from outside when the baby moves. She’s dancing all the time inside there and I can always feel it and see it from outside too.


Working this week as usual. I survive the 8 hours of work but I definitely feel really tired especially when the shift is almost over. All the time when I have the morning shift, I take a nap right after I get home.


The line started to show below the belly button. I had linea Negra on my previous pregnancy and I am expecting to have this time also. My belly button otherwise, is getting deeper just like before, so I think I will have in button and not out. I continue to use bio-oil to hopefully not get any stretch marks. I don’t have any so far.

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