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Pregnancy Update / Week 24


This week has gone by so quickly. Time to write my 24th week of pregnancy update. Though I will be 25 tomorrow, Sunday. I made a “baby registry” on amazon. Things we need for the baby which friends and Godparents can buy to gift us for baby shower. We also decided to have the baby shower on November 2nd. I think it’s just a perfect date, weeks before my due date.


September 1- 7

I had day off on Mondy and Tuesday. I stayed home on Monday resting and washing another set of old baby clothes (Rianna’s old clothes). On Tuesday I went shopping alone. I bought more baby clothes. I bought a few newborn clothes and also some maternity pants for me I could use at work. I am working a few days this week and so happy that I have today Saturday and tomorrow- Sunday off. In short, I am free this weekend.

My belly is so big now and keeps growing. I gained about 5 kilos from pre-pregnancy weight and I believe I start to get bigger and gain more weights as the weeks goes by. I eat normal just like before. I continue eating fruits and vegetables. At least trying my best to eat healthy. I drink lots and lots of water too.




This week I noticed that my legs look bigger than usual. And the varicose veins start showing up. I don’t have this before but I am afraid I will get as I age. My mother has a lot of varicose veins. I also believed that this is due to my work where I always stand and walk the whole 8 hours shift. I hope this goes away though after I give birth.


I mentioned earlier that I didn’t have any particular cravings in this pregnancy other than mangoes and fried chicken which I am totally fine whether I get them or not. But recently, I started to crave for sweets like moist chocolate cake. And of course, I gave in. I also love eating cupcakes. I have my glucose test next week, so I really need to be careful about what I eat so I don’t have any problem. On my last pregnancy, my sugar was high when I had the test and I needed to take sugar test every single day the rest of my pregnancy. I really hated it.


I don’t want near my baby’s father. The only person I hate in this pregnancy and I don’t want anywhere near him. I blame pregnancy hormones for this. I didn’t intend it to happen. Everything he does and not is so annoying to me. I feel like he doesn’t care too much. Sometimes I cried because I felt bad without any reason and deep inside I was so upset.


Baby girl moves too much. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable especially when I am at work. I can see the movements from outside but others cannot see the kicks yet from outside. I continue to put bio oil on my belly and thighs hoping not to get any stretch marks. I had stretch marks on my hips until now from my first pregnancy 8 years ago. But no stretch marks on my belly at all. And my belly button was always in. Hoping it stays the same in this pregnancy too.

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