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Pregnancy Update / Week 20


Wow, we are in our 20 weeks of pregnancy now. That means we are halfway there. Time is passing by so quickly now, week by week which makes me happy ,by the way. I cannot wait for my maternity leave to start and of course for the baby to come soon!


August 6- 12

Week 20 has gone by so quickly. Time goes fast when you are busy. I’ve been working this week, though I have a day-offs on Monday and Wednesday still I feel like I’ve been working straight. Today is Saturday, August 10th as I am writing this update and I was working this morning 8.5 hours. I am so tired now sitting on the sofa. I just need to write this 20-week pregnancy update before another week will start.

We had anatomy scan on August 5th in Porvoo. The third and the last ultrasound. It took about 30 minutes. Rianna and Meu were with me. We saw again the baby and so happy that he/she is healthy. Baby’s measurement is 19+1, and I was  20+1 weeks pregnant. Which means the baby is small. But the nurse didn’t change the due date. And she said the baby is healthy and everything is okay.

BABY’S GENDER: Meu knew the gender already and I haven’t yet. We agreed that one of us will know the gender first and the other one to be surprised. I want to be surprised so I need to wait for the gender reveal day when my close friends can come to visit three weekends from now. I am patient and I know I can wait.




The baby is moving so much now. It feels like I have some air inside. I cannot wait to see the baby kicks from outside and to let her big sister and father see it. My belly is also growing. Some of my co-workers joked that we all have the same belly size, although I have a baby inside. I quite agree. I really think that my belly is quite small. But I love it. And even hoping not to gain too much weight. Just to make sure I and the baby are healthy. Meu and I are small so expect for the small breed, you know! I stopped wearing working pants now and I am wearing maternity pants and gym pants which are comfortable for my growing belly.


This week I start to feel like the fatigue is taking me away. I am so drained, especially at work. 1-2 hours before the work finish I feel so tired and sleepy that I wish I could lie down there and sleep. But I have to finish my shift and walk home. When I get home I feel so hungry and really tired. I always try my best to eat right away and then take a nap after. I don’t do any workouts so far, because I believe that my physical work is more than enough. It is taking all my energy. Also, I am walking to/from work which takes about 20-25 minutes per way. So, I guess I am still active?


I would say I don’t have a good appetite this week and have been eating junk foods. I ate sardines, soup noodles, salty crackers, and even ice cream. I did not even crave for that food, it’s only that it’s all I can think to eat. In short, I was really lazy to make food. How I wish food is always there and I just have to take whenever I get hungry. But oh well, I need to cook so I can eat. However, I have been eating fruits such as apples, oranges, and banana. Lately, I am a “no” again to avocados. When I had my implant I was eating like a big.

P:S. The first photo was taken when I was 17 weeks in Cyprus taken by my friend. This week I put a pool on FB asking friends what they think of our baby’s gender. Most of them said “girl”, but at work, they think it is a boy. We will see then!

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