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A Pregnancy Journal


It is like a tradition to me to write a pregnancy journal whether daily or weekly. This is my way to document everything and not forget any single details. I love writing a pregnancy journal because I’d like to read them again someday. I could also use it is a reference when I try to remember things happened on that certain day or week of pregnancy.

On my 9th week of pregnancy, my pregnancy journal has arrived. I started using it right away. It’s a daily journal where you can write your feelings and symptoms every day. The name of the pregnancy journal is A Blossoming Journey (Already). It is very pretty although I am a little frustrated because I want to have more spaces to write letters and daily thoughts.

I am planning to buy a separate notebook to write daily or weekly letters to my baby. In my last pregnancy, I managed to write weekly letters and it felt so good doing so. Writing letters is a precious gift you can gift to your baby. You don’t always remember your feelings and thoughts on certain days so it’s good to write it down.

I have been enjoying this journal. Every night before I go to sleep I write on my journal my feelings and happenings on that day. It is nice to be able to document everything and to write what’s going on that certain day. Also, in this journal, I write down all my pregnancy symptoms and cravings. And every week I write a letter to my baby. This journal is very useful to me and I would love to gift this to my child one day.

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