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We’re Having A Baby


We are very happy to tell everyone that we are pregnant and we’re having a baby due in December. We have been keeping this secret for a while now and on June 8 during my birthday party, we announced the great news to everyone. I even announced it on my facebook as well.

We wanted to have the baby this year and was frustrated at first due to the delayed implant birth control removal. The implant was removed in March through surgery and on April 18 we found out we’re pregnant. (So fast huh! … we’re very lucky.) We want the baby to be bigger enough to travel when we go to the Philippines next year for my sis’ wedding. Another reason is that I’m getting old and if I want a baby it has to be really soon. Really glad the plan worked out and indeed we have a baby coming at the end of this year. A sibling is the best gift I could ever give to Rianna. She wants a baby sister but to us doesn’t matter if it’s a baby girl or baby boy.

I normally don’t do a birthday party for me. But we held the party to announce to friends about pregnancy. I’m glad we did. It wasn’t easy to keep the secret for so long. But now it’s finally out.

I am now 14 weeks, finally on my second trimester and the fourth month of pregnancy. The morning sickness had vanished little by little. It’s been three days since I didn’t feel sick. And I hope this will continue. I want to be me again. I want to eat normal again and back to be energetic again. The bump is growing although it looks like I’m bloated or just a belly fat. I can’t believe I’m growing a little human being inside me. I’m so grateful for this blessings.

I will try to update this pregnancy as much as I can. I am keeping a daily pregnancy journal, taking weekly bump photos, write down symptoms and feelings. etc. We would love to share my experiences with you all.


On May 8th, Wednesday we had our first doctors appointment.

I was scared and excited waiting for that day to come. We met first the nurse who gave me my neuvola card. She asked when was the first day of my last period. I told her it was on March 14th. Two days after my implant removed. We got so lucky that we got pregnant right away after I had my birth control removed. It has been our plan since last year to get pregnant but due to the delayed implant removal the plan of getting pregnant needed to wait.

So we met with the doctor. He used vaginal ultrasound and there we saw a tiny human being inside me. It was a feeling of relief knowing that there is really something in there growing with a strong heartbeat. The doctor focused on the baby’s heartbeat I could see clearly it’s moving fast. The baby’s heart is beating. It was so magical. He measured the baby and it was 1cm, the size of a blueberry. Based on the baby’s size I am 7 weeks + 1 day. On my computation is I am already 7+5. So our little baby is due on December 24th.

I was a little disappointed on the first scan though because I thought that there will be a scan photo. I asked the doctor about the photos and he said: “sorry no photos this time”.  Why we didn’t take photos of the screen or take a video? I would definitely record a video on the next ultrasound appointment for documentation purposes. These magical moments should be preserved.

We are very happy to see our little baby.

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