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The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant

Positive Pregnancy Test On April 17th.

My period was due on April 11th and it didn’t come.

I had my Nexplanon implant removed on March 12th. Two days later March 14th my period had started and lasted for a few days.

I didn’t have any period anymore the following month.

April 17th Positive Pregnancy Test

I didn’t want to take a pregnancy test early because I don’t want to get frustrated. We have been planning this for a while and because of the implant removal issues, these plan of getting pregnant came almost impossible. My implant has expired on September last year and it took me four hospital visits and finally got it removed by surgery. I told to myself that I will take the pregnancy test by the end of the month. But my partner, however, was so excited and couldn’t wait to test. I had afternoon shift on Wednesday, April 17th, so I decided ok, I will take the PT today. Early morning and my first pee I took the PT. I was so nervous I couldn’t look at the stick. I took shower right after I peed on the stick and didn’t check it until I was finished. When I looked at it I saw another line and sure enough, I am pregnant. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Happy and sad and scared. I don’t know! I took photos of the pregnancy test and hid it. I was planning to tell Meu on our anniversary which is the end of the month.

However, he could never stop asking me if I took the test and if I am pregnant. I went to work that afternoon and still couldn’t believe I am finally pregnant. I wanted to know how many weeks I am so I asked Meu to buy a digital pregnancy test.

The next morning, Meu was forcing me to take the pregnancy test and I did. I already knew I was pregnant and pretended that I didn’t know. I asked him to see the test, which at first took a while to appear how many weeks but the screen already was written “raskaana”. A few minutes later it says 2-3 weeks. I am 5 weeks pregnant if we calculate the last day of my menstrual cycle.

On April 18th we both know we are pregnant. We were very happy but tried not to get so excited because I don’t want Rianna to know yet. Too early. We agreed not to tell everyone and keep the news secret. It was a holy week, so we had to wait next week to call the hospital to book an appointment.


On April 14th while at work I can feel cramps like I was having a period. Only without a period. I’m guessing it was fertilization/implantation time? I am not sure but it lasted for a few days. So far I don’t have morning sickness yet which make me questions sometimes am I really pregnant? I do love eating green mangoes which my close friends noticed and told me that I am pregnant.

This is the prenatal vitamins I took since February 12th. I guess it helped me conceived fast right after my birth control got removed.

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