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The 12-Week Scan



The 12-week scan on June 11th (my birthday) went well and we are very happy the baby is healthy. Supposedly exactly 12 weeks but the baby size says it’s 12+2, (so the due date is now moved again).  It really was the most beautiful birthday gift I’ve ever received. To be able to see our little munchkin moving inside my belly. We got to see the baby for the second time. And this time was quite special because we saw the baby moving and is very healthy. I felt very happy and emotional and couldn’t believe what I saw on the screen. All the morning sickness and vomiting I had experienced was totally worth it.

At first, I was worried about how it goes. Is the baby healthy? Is everything okay inside there? Will there be complications? The nurse took her time to check carefully the baby. She said that everything is good. The baby is healthy. It has five fingers and toes. It’s moving and everything looks great. There is no sign for down syndrome but she will still send the photos to Helsinki to confirm. I pray that everything is okay and that the baby is healthy. That’s all I ask for.

We didn’t have any ultrasound photos or videos on our first doctor’s appointment, so this time we made sure that we take photos of the screen and even took videos. I am so thankful that Meu did a good job. He took a lot of photos and videos. Now we have something to see whenever we want. The nurse was also patient and waited for Meu to finish taking photos and videos before she explains everything.

The baby moved a lot. She showed us her back, side view, lying and even move fingers, mouth, and legs. It was really amazing to see the little human being inside of me moving freely. Healthy and alive. We got 9 ultrasound photos in total. And a lot of iPhone photos and a couple of videos. That was memorable. I was a happy 36 years old and pregnant. :)


I feel a little better now. Hopefully, the morning sickness to be gone for good. The past months were very hard. Vomiting almost every day and being sick all the time. I even lose weight. It was so hard at work and every day was a challenge for me. But couldn’t tell my co-workers just yet what’s going on. I may not look pregnant now, but there’s definitely a human being inside my belly. Soon enough I will be showing and I can’t wait to have a baby bump.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth but not as bad as before. I also notice that I need to go pee every few minutes. Also, I think I start showing already. Although for me it looks like I am just bloated or something. But during midday, the belly looks big. I don’t feel the urge to vomit that much. I have heartburn from time to time. But I definitely feel a little better now comparing to the last few weeks. This is so far in my 12 weeks of pregnancy.

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