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Pregnancy Update / Week 5-8


It still feels surreal knowing that I am really pregnant and that we are having a baby at the end of this year. Here’s my pregnancy month two update. 5- 8 weekly pregnancy update. I’m sharing my feelings and pregnancy symptoms from the very first day we found out I am pregnant until my 8th week of pregnancy.



May 14, 2019

So I calculated it wrong. When we had our doctor’s appointment on May 8, the ultrasound says the baby is 7+1 instead of 7+5. So, on May 14, my first neuvola I was exactly 8 weeks pregnant. I got tested for hemoglobin, sugar, blood pressure, etc and everything were good. I will have to submit my urine samples when I am on the 10-11th weeks.

My weight is 49,4kg. This is my weight at the beginning of the pregnancy and I haven’t gained any yet. My belly looks exactly the same either. It looks a little bloated as it always is especially after I ate food. But it is flat in the morning before breakfast.

SYMPTOMS: I changed the time I take my prenatal vitamins instead of the morning I take it during my last meal of the day just before bedtime. It helps a little with the morning sickness. I have been working every day this week and I honestly feel okay when I am at work because I got to ignore the symptoms because I am always busy and moving all the time. But I have to always have candy in my mouth. Last week I enjoyed eating “marie” biscuits, but this week I cannot eat it anymore. I do enjoy eating “white rabbit” candies now. And sometimes a gum. If I don’t have anything in my mouth, it tastes so bad and I wanted to vomit all the time. It’s weird how the cravings change from time to time.

I had a very weird dream. Dreaming about my family and my dear mother is also in my dreams all the time. I dreamt about my friends as well. I actually dreamed that the baby will be born on December 19, 2019. That was the first due date I calculated based on my last period. Although it changed when I had a doctors appointment to December 24th.

I had vomited a few times this week.

Here’s a daily diary I have written.

May 13: vomited in the evening. Stomach was really bad and had to vomit.

May 14: vomited in the morning after eating breakfast. I vomited all that I ate. 10 Am first clinic appointment with the nurse. Took an hour and a half there. Talked about everything. Scheduled the next ultrasound and the next neuvola. All of my questions were answered. I thought Meu wasn’t needed there but he actually is. There are forms that we both need to fill up together and some family diseases I don’t know if they have.

May 15: back to work, afternoon shift. Just before the work is finished I felt very sick. I had a very bad headache. When I got home I took 500mg paracetamol. The first time I took medicine during this pregnancy.

May 19– I have afternoon shift today and feeling very sick the whole time. I was eating candies to not vomit. I have to act normal at work because I cannot tell my co-workers yet about this pregnancy. Not until next month when I am 12 weeks. In the evening I ate pasta for dinner and took prenatal vitamins. I tried not to vomit. I ended up sleeping on the sofa to be near if I need to run to the toilet. Anyway, this morning we took my 8 weeks bump photos.

May 20I have day off today. I am at home alone. I tried to sleep as much as I can. I’m feeling very sick and again vomited in the morning. I hope these symptoms go away soon. I pray that the baby is healthy inside. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 9th week. I bought a pregnancy journal last week and excited for it to arrive.



May 2, 2019

Spent almost the whole week at home as I had five days off from May 2-6. It’s May 6 today as I am writing this. I have very bad morning sickness the whole day long. On Saturday I walked with my daughter to the nearby shop and I really felt sick. I thought that gums help with the metallic taste but it didn’t. I can still eat normal food. In fact, on Saturday we went out and I ate pizza and oven baked chicken wings. It felt so good because I had a craving for it a day before. On Sunday I also ate the same chicken with rice. However, I wanted this pregnancy as healthy as possible and I want to eat more fruits and veggies, less meat. I cannot tell I have food aversion as I can still eat what I usually eat. Except that I don’t crave food so much unlike before pregnancy that I just eat as much as I can like avocados.

I tried to keep hydrated by drinking water often. I still question myself if drinking cocoa/cacao milk is safe. Although they said it is safe as long as I don’t drink too much. My mouth tastes really bad and I hate the smell too. I have bad digestion/constipation. My stomach feels sick and I feel like vomiting often. Right now, I’m snacking “Marie” biscuits. It helps get away that metallic taste. Tomorrow I am going back to work and I am worried about the morning sickness. How I survive the day working?

I am praying the baby is growing healthy inside. On May 8 we have our first doctor’s appointment. We are excited and cannot wait to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Anyway, my body isn’t obvious yet that I am pregnant. My stomach is still the same. A little bloated as it is always except in the morning. My weight is also the same before I got pregnant which is 49,4kg. It goes 50+ after I eat.



April 25, 2019

6+4 today as I’m writing this. I felt very sick coming home from work. We were walking with Yanna and was a little bit cold. I think it’s one of the reasons. I ate rice and chicken and after that, I took a nap for two hours. My stomach feels really bad and I feel like vomiting. I’m not hungry because I just ate. Around 9 pm I decided to fry longganisa with rice and eggs. Also, I drank milk and cacao. Feeling a little bit better but stomach is still the same.

I hope I feel this only when I’m home and feel totally normal at work. Just like the last few days. I’m back at work on Saturday and everything was fine when I’m working except feeling little abdominal cramps. But as soon as I get home I feel very sleepy and tired and sick.

A few days ago, I told my sister about this and she was happy. So basically few people already knew. One co-worker asks me if I’m already pregnant because I look very tired. And even one friend suspects that I’m pregnant only by looking at my photo last weekend. I mean, do I really like look that tired and stressed?



April 18, 2019

On April 17th, I took my first pregnancy test and it was “positive”. I didn’t tell Meu that day because I wanted to surprise him on our anniversary.

On Thursday, April 18th I took another pregnancy test using digital clear blue, and it says 2-3. I am 5 weeks calculating the last day of my period which was March 14.

We were very happy and excited. And we both agreed not to tell Yanna yet and the rest of our family and friends. However, on Friday I got an accident at work, so I had to tell two people in the hospital to make sure the anesthesia and the medicine they’ll give me is safe for pregnancy. Also, that weekend I told two of my closest friends and made them promised not to spread the news.

So far, I don’t notice any symptoms yet, aside from cramps the weekend before (days supposedly my period to arrived). I have cravings for green mangoes. I don’t have any food aversion yet, no nausea, and it makes me question am I really pregnant?



WEEK 5-8

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