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Happy Midsummer 2019


Happy Midsummer to all! Hyvää Juhannusta kaikille!

It’s the first midsummer I remember that is actually hot and sunny. I always remember it’s raining on the midsummer day but today is really nice. I am so happy that I have a day off today and tomorrow which means we can celebrate the Midsummer. I wanted to attend the Midsummer event this year so I checked when it will be, what time and where. It is at the same place in Laivasilta, Loviisa. We went there and spend hours celebrating the Juhannus.

So we watched the event and it’s actually my first time to see how they put the midsummer pole up. Then it was followed by live band music and dancing. We decided to grab some dinner after which I was happy about because the food actually tasted good. Even though I still feel a little bit sick, I actually ate all and was so happy with the food.

Rianna was so happy throwing the stones to the water. We sat down on the bench watching her playing. Then, we had ice cream, took a few photos and really enjoyed the sunny hot weather. Rianna wanted to go to the beach as well, so we went. She met some friends and we let her play for a while. On the way home, we explored some more and found out a camping place in Loviisa. It was a nice place and I actually would like to go camping there. To experience sleeping in a tent. Today was a lovely day.

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