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A 36 Birthday Party


On Saturday, June 8 we held my 36 birthday party at our little apartment. Some of our closest friends were present. I normally don’t do a birthday party for me, however, I just thought it was the best day to reveal our secret (more on that on my next blog post). And so we did. It was a lovely day, sunny and warm outside. I’m 36 but definitely, feel young.

We made food I know our friends will love. I bake a few cakes and cupcakes. Meu surprised me with another cake he bought, so we ended up having four cakes in total. I am so happy that my friends came to celebrate my birthday with me. Almost all of them didn’t know our secret and was surprised when we revealed it.


I know I look young and doesn’t look like I am 36 but I definitely feel like, oh my gosh, am I really 36 now? It feels old thinking about 36. Soon I will be 40. I know age doesn’t matter especially if you feel young inside. But still 36? I am very happy about having another year in my life. And hoping to celebrate more birthdays. To live a long life and being healthy. I am so grateful with this life and for all the blessings God has given me. I have so many blessings I received this year and so very happy about it. Another reason, I celebrate my birthday this year.

Today I had the best birthday gift ever. I will remember and cherish it forever. It is the best feeling in the world and I am very happy. At age 36, I feel complete and accomplished. I have a family, a daughter, and a permanent job. I am happy with my life right now and I don’t think I need more.

Happy birthday to me, indeed!

Blog posts when I turned 30 years old,  and when I turned 33.

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