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What We’ve Been Up To Lately


It’s been a while since the last time I was sharing life lately update here. Let’s begin with unpredictable weather in Finland, as always. Yesterday it was snowing. It’s May and its snowing? We had spring weather though, 10’c. Although it was already warmer than that a few weeks ago. I really wanted to visit Kirsikkapuisto yesterday to take photos and witness the cherry blossoms in full bloom. But I felt really sick and it was cold, so we decided not to go. There’s always next year, right?

However, we went to the park and let Yanna play as much as she can. It was very sunny and lovely outside. But also windy and cold. We spent about an hour at the park and it was better than nothing. It was nice to be out in the sun and just enjoy the spring weather. I’m looking forward to the summer to come soon. How nice it is to be outside with just t-shirts and shorts?

We are still both busy working 8 hours a day every day. And Rianna goes to school every day as well. Soon she will have a school summer holiday, June- August. We have holidays in July but haven’t booked any trip yet. We are planning to make it slow this year. Unlike last summer when we had a very adventures summer trip. This year I want it to be a relaxing one. Probably a week on the beach or something. We are considering Greece this time and probably Cyprus too. We will see! I want to go to Thailand or Indonesia though, but perhaps next year or on winter breaks.

How’s the weather in your area? Any summer holiday booked yet?

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