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Rianna’s Bedroom Tour


Just a quick home tour update. Today sharing Rianna’s bedroom. As I’ve mentioned in the last post we have one month left in this apartment, so I would like to share as many photos as I can before we move. Surely, the other apartment looks different from here so that’s why I want to save the memories what we have here through photos. We live here for almost four years now, and so far so good. But now it’s time to say goodbye and moves forward.

I decided to give this room to Rianna so she has her own space where she could play. We gave away her small daybed and put this big bed instead. This room also serves as the guest room when friends come to stay overnight. They can sleep in here and that’s why the big bed is a lot better. I also sleep here with her sometimes.


There is nothing special in this room. Rianna wanted a pink room, but we cannot paint so I just tried to add pink touches to the room like pink bed sheets and pillows. She spent almost all her time here when she’s home. Playing, drawing, painting, etc. she loves this room so much. Actually, when I told her we move, the first thing she said was, “no, I don’t want to move.”

When Meu moved here in July last year, we have everything double. Double office, sofas, computers, beds, TVs, etc. It’s been a while that we kept my TV in the box and just hide it. We used Meu’s TV in the living room. A few months ago, we decided to put my TV in Rianna’s bedroom. At first, I don’t agree with the idea of her getting addicted to watching TV. But I was wrong. Rianna is a very respectful little girl. She knows when to watch TV and when not. She is allowed to watch TV only on weekends, the same with playing iPad. So far, these rules work well.

Rianna doesn’t own many toys. I am happy with this one. I arranged all her toys and mostly hidden in the boxes. As of late, she enjoys My Little Pony toys and Powerpuff girls. So really, unnecessary toys are not needed. I even put away the dollhouse as she’s not playing with it anymore. And the play kitchen I put in the kitchen. I’m trying to have a big space in this room for her to play and when friends come over for a visit.

So this is Rianna’s bedroom. For sure the new bedroom in the other apartment will be different. More blog posts about this bedroom here, here, and also here.

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