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Our Living Room


Our living room is the biggest room in this apartment. It’s where we spent a lot of time. We watch movies here, sleep here, and relax here. It is indeed a family room as we spent too much time here as a family. Because we only have one bedroom in this apartment, we put our bed in the living room while Yanna uses the bedroom. I don’t complain actually because as much as I love living in big spaces, I learned to love living in small spaces as well. We don’t need a bigger house or spaces to be comfortable and happy.

Anyway, I have taken these photos of our living room a few months ago and haven’t really shared them yet. As you know, when I get bored I move furniture around and rearrange everything and redecorate. These photos were when the living room looks like this. Believe me, the sofa is in another position now.


We have one month left here in this apartment before we move to the bigger one near the centrum. We have been thinking about this for a quite some time now and finally decided, “yes! we need a bigger apartment”. And it is the perfect time to move. Yanna uses the only bedroom here, and we would like to have our own bedroom as well. Thankfully, after months of looking and searching, we finally found one that is located near the centrum. It has two bedrooms and is perfect for us.

So, we have the whole of June here and by July 1st, we move to the new apartment. I am excited but also worry. I love this apartment so much. We have been living here since 2015 and this is where I started my new beginning in life when I had a divorce. Everything happened here. There are a lot of good memories here. Yanna grows up here. This is a special place for us. I grew up here as an independent person. I achieved many things I thought I couldn’t. If only we could stay here forever. I learned to love this place and treated it as my own. But life moves forward and we need to change in order to continue living. I hope I will love the new apartment as much as here.

I will be sharing more updates about this old apartment and of course the new apartment when we finally move and arrange everything.

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