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Salina Turda


Our adventures in Romania continues. We visited the salt mine called “Salina Turda”. Visiting there is like visiting an underground playground. Such a very interesting place.

We drove there and after a few hours driving, we finally arrived. I had no idea where we are going. I was a tourist and Meu and his friends were our tourists’ guide. Outside it looks like there is nothing in there. But once we get inside the environment was different. We started walking into walls full of salt. It was a little bit dangerous and scary but I know they made everything safe for everyone. We took the elevator going down. There are also stairs for those who want to walk. I am not sure how deep it was but it was very deep. We arrived on the bottom ground and I was surprised.

Inside The Salina Turda

I didn’t know what to expect but once you are down below it feels like you are in the amusement park. Well, I think they intend to do it that way. It was amazing there. However, it was cold and literally feels like you are in a cave because you are, obviously, There are a lot of things to do for kids. There is a big ferries wheel, bowling, a swing, slide for kids, etc.

As we walked around, they also have a lake there where you can ride a boat as you wish. They even have a souvenir shop and of course wifi too! Took a lot of photos and Instagram stories while we were there. Rianna was so excited and didn’t want to stop playing. We had a really good time there and I am so happy that we visited Salina Turda. It is a must-see when you are in Romania.


  1. You can see this mine in the music video (it’s on YouTube) for “I Like the Trumpet” by DJ Sava and Raluca!

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