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Playing In The Snow Video


I just posted “Playing in the Snow” video on my youtube channel. If you haven’t watch it yet you can watch it here. Please subscribe to my channel if you can. This video is about our adventure and playing in the snow moments one Sunday afternoon.


These are the first photo Rianna took of us using the DSLR camera. She took this when we were out for a walk one Sunday afternoon. At first, she was scared to hold the camera because it was heavy. But then I taught her how to hold the camera properly. I put the camera on manual mode, told her where and how to push the button and then.. she did it. After one photo she wanted to take more saying that, ” it was s fun mommy, I want to take more!”. I am so proud of her. I will teach her more about how to take good photos. I am so happy because now we have our own photographer. A seven-year-old photographer. She always likes taking photos and videos but on phones and the iPad. But now she can use the big camera too!

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