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Riga, Latvia / House Of The Blackheads

House Of The Blackheads in Riga, Latvia

House of the Blackheads is a building located in the old town of Riga. It was one of the tourists’ attractions in Riga that I wanted to visit. We only had a few hours in Riga because that trip was only an hour’s stopover on our flights to Warsaw, Poland. Even our trip to Riga, Latvia was short, it was a lovely one. We had a good time and we managed to visit a few tourist attractions.

It was not so hard to find the “house of the blackheads”. We were walking around the old town and eventually found it. We spent at the square for quite a while and took a few photos. Yanna found a playmate and they were running around laughing. We had pieces of luggage with us so we did not go inside of the building. However, I was happy enough we took photos outside the building and witnessed it. Riga is a beautiful city and I am so happy to visit it.

house of the blackheads

Riga, Latvia

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