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Reasons Why I Like Morning Shift


Some people don’t like working in the morning shift and prefer to work in the afternoon. While others enjoy waking up early and finish working early as I do. There are a lot of reasons why I love to work on morning shifts. Though I have to admit also that waking up early is not easy, but working early is good. At least for me. Start the day early and be more productive than staying late in bed and getting lazy.

Here are the reasons why I love working in the morning shift:

Waking up early

Waking up early means you’ll catch the best in the morning. I do hate sometimes waking up early and wish that I could sleep more and stay in bed longer. But this happens also on the weekends, I don’t have any reason to wake up early but I wake up the same time I wake up during weekdays. When you wake up early, that means you’ll have a greater chance to see the sunrise. I remember mornings walking as the sun rises and I can hear Rianna saying look mommy the sun is coming. Who doesn’t love to see the sun rising first thing in the morning and witness the sky turning from dark to pink, to light? It’s magical!

Finish The Work Early

I work from 7:30 to 15:30 in a normal morning shift. Well, lately even earlier. I started my work as early as 7 AM.  Time goes really fast in the morning. You start the work at 7 and next thing you know it is already 10 Am, and then comes lunch time. When lunchtime comes, that means the work is almost over. I like that when I finish my work, the shops are still open. I can run groceries on my way home.

Bring And Pick Rianna From School

As you know I am a single mom. I have to bring Rianna to school and pick her after my work. Morning is the only possible shift I can do. Though, I now do afternoon shift sometimes. But I am confident to be the one to bring Rianna to school and of course to pick her as well. Some people don’t understand how difficult to be a single mom. To do everything on your own. But I am blessed and grateful. I have my beloved daughter, the reason to survive and to work harder. She is my inspiration.

A Normal Morning / Daily Routine

Since I started working, I also do only morning shift and only weekdays until recently that I accept afternoon shift and weekends. We have a normal morning and daily routine and I would love to follow it as much as we could. I’d like to wake up early, wake up Rianna. Watch her start her morning, pick her clothes and change. Get ready for school. I like to walk with her to school every morning and have a deep conversation and sometimes a funny one with her. She always inspires me. I love that I am excited to finish my work, to pick my girl from school and to go home together. I love that we start our day same time and end our day at the same time as well.

Early Dinner With The Whole Family

I make food right away when I arrive home from work. I prepare dinner for all of us. And when Meu came home from work, we all sit together and have early dinner together. We can only do this if I have a morning shift. Meu always has a morning shift and he comes an hour later after me. It is good to have dinner together, the only meal of the day that we sit together and eat. Except on weekends of course!

Family Time And Bedtime Routine

After having dinner, it’s a family time. I have time to help Rianna do her homework. We could play together in her room. I give her time to play alone. I do some cleaning and dishes, and then before we knew it its time for bedtime routine. Rianna brushes her teeth, change pajamas and then its bedtime. We read bedtime stories together until Rianna falls asleep. When she’s asleep I still have a little time to relax and sit on the sofa, either watch TV, check my phone or write blog posts.

Early To Bed And Sleep Early

I go to bed around 10 pm and wakes up around 5:30- 6 am. It’s nice to sleep early and have a good night sleep ready for the next day. When I  have afternoon shift I finish at 9 pm and get home around 9:30 pm. It’s late and I came home really tired. Before going to afternoon shift work, I already felt bored and lazy and wanting to stay at home the rest of the day. Afternoon shift is good, because you’ll have more time to stay longer in bed in the morning, but for me, it makes me lazy as well.

And there you go, reasons why I prefer morning shifts. Everyone’s different. We all have a different preference. How about you, do you like the morning shift or afternoon shift? Why?

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