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A Birthday Weekend With Friends


Last weekend we went to Helsinki to spend time with friends and celebrate my close friend’s and her son’s birthday. It was the only free weekend I had in November. I have a very busy work schedule as I do weekend shifts now. Quite hard but I can handle it. So anyway, we celebrated my friend’s 32nd birthday and her son’s 4th birthday. Time flies, the baby boy is now four! I was thinking many people were coming, as it always has been. I didn’t expect that it was only us. Me and my other friend and of course the kids. It was actually good that it was only us, one on one. We had the whole weekend for us making memories together.

The party was on Saturday, my friend made a special dinner for four. As mentioned earlier it was only us. So we ended up having an intimate dinner with just the four of us. It was nice. No distractions. Only us having funny and deep conversations, talking about life, work, kids. Planning for the future. Supporting each other’s dreams and goals in life. Planning what to do next. Motivating each other.

Dreaming to become professional nurses in Finland?:) We all three are lähihoitaja (practical nurse), and although nursing isn’t really my thing; medical terms and all medicines related lessons are quite hard especially in Finnish, (both of them studied nursing in the Philippines except me, as I finished a degree in business ), I am considering also to pursue my studies in nursing and get a degree. We will see, the mind can change all the time. But I do what to take the challenge and try.

These two; Vanessa and Leila are like my sisters and they are my family in Finland. So grateful to have them in my life. I don’t have so many friends or talk to friends on a daily basis but I am happy and blessed to have these two beside me all the time. Of course, I have other special and close friends here too, but these two are the only ones I see and talk on a regular basis.

The next day we walked to the nearby lake and feed the ducks. Kids were so happy and excited. After that, we went to the nearby park and let the kids run wild in the park. It was a lovely Sunday but was very cold. In the afternoon we went home tired and happy. Looking forward to our next meet up on Saturday, December 1, as we celebrate in advance Rianna’s 7th birthday. Her actual birthday is on December 9! Can you believe she is SEVEN?

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