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Transfagarasan Road, Romania

The Transfagarasan Road

We were driving the whole day visiting places to places. Quite exhausting until finally driving to our next destination to stay for a night or two. It was getting dark, foggy and rainy, but I could still remember the view and how beautiful it was. It was the most amazing drive I have ever been to. Though it was raining, I still could see the beauty of the mountains. It was like driving in a fairytale.

transfagarasan road

I wasn’t really sure we were driving through transfagarasan road, I just assumed we were because of the style of the road. And I was right! It was dark and raining hard and driving on that kind of road is scary and dangerous. But the view was spectacular, so I was enjoying it.

We haven’t had any chance to stop to take photos due to the bad weather, but we came back in the morning to visit the Balea Lake and finally a chance to take photos of the Transfagarasan road. It was beautiful and unique and scary. We took a lot of photos and finally sharing them with you all today. One thing I regret though, I wish we had a drone and take photos and videos from above. Oh, well, probably next time when we are back.

I am so happy that we visited the Transfagarasan road. It was one of the main attractions we wanted to see in our Romanian trip. Aside from visiting the castles of course! So it was a “bucket list checked”.


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