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Weekend Break / Häme Castle


Sometimes the best trips are the ones that are unplanned. We had other plans made for the last weekend, but it was changed when Yanna’s father wanted to take her for the whole weekend. I didn’t want her to go, but I gave it in the last minute. Yanna went with her father, Meu and I, on the other hand, decided to visit Häme castle in Hämeenlinna. We also decided to spend the night there.

It was late so we couldn’t find a hotel at a reasonable price. They were all cost about 150€ per night. It was so expensive, so I realized we could spend the night on the boat to Tallinn instead. While on the bus I booked the overnight cruise to Tallinn for that evening.  We paid 41€ for one cabin. It was all worth it and ended up having so much fun onboard the ship, just the two of us without a baby. Although, I wish Yanna was there with us. It was nice to just be the two of us for a change though!

Trip To Hämmenlinna

Over an hour bus ride to Hämeenlinna. It was late and we only had less than three hours there before coming back to Helsinki. We made in time to catch the ferry that evening. Since we didn’t have so much time in Hämeenlinna, we decided to visit only one place, the castle. As soon as we arrived we went our way straight to the Häme castle. The castle was not so far from the bus stop. It was such a lovely Saturday afternoon, peaceful and quiet in the city. We found the castle so easily. I spent over an hour exploring the castle and took a lot of photos.

There wasn’t so much interesting stuff inside the castle, I must say, but I’m glad we made it finally to go there. We have been planning to visit other towns in Finland, and now we can check one of them. We’d like to explore each town and see how it differs from each other. After visiting big and nice castles in Romania, visiting castles in Finland isn’t as big and interesting but still excites me every time. In fact, I would love to visit a castle in Savonlinna as well. One weekend hopefully!


There was a big park outside the castle where you can just sit down, run, or have a picnic. We wish we had more time so we could stay longer there just relax and enjoy the peace and quietness of the place. I managed to take photos of the whole castle in the park. It was the perfect location. There weren’t so many visitors to the castle so it was really nice to enjoy the place all by ourselves.

The visit to Hämeenlinna was short and quick and hoping we had more hours to spend to check the city and do other things. However, Hämeenlinna is in Finland and we could always come back anytime we have time. It was such a lovely weekend we had. A visit to a new town and a nightlife on the ship with just me and Meu. It was an unforgettable weekend indeed.

We sometimes think that we wasted a lot of money on travel, but traveling makes me feel happy and memories cannot be paid with money. So yeah, we work so hard to earn money so why not use it and be happy? I have a new vision in life now, stop buying things and start traveling the world. Earn experiences and not things. I am always happy to come home with a camera full of photographs captured our memories and best travel experiences. They’re my best treasures.

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