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Life Lately / August


Hello, August! Taking stock August entry. So we are now in the third week of August, how can it be possible? Time goes really fast and soon enough it’s Christmas. Okay, not yet! The photo above was taken on my graduation day- May 25, 2018. It was one of the happiest moments in my life. Finally, I finished school, and I made it in one year and three months. Can you believe it?

I actually finished everything on June 18 and attended the graduation ceremony even though I haven’t done the last 2 screenings. But yeah I am a nurse now and I am so proud of myself. Being a working student and a single mother I made it and I succeeded. I am so happy and grateful.

Anyway, it has been a while I have not done this Taking Stock kind of posts, so here it is. Our life lately.

Life Lately

Making: plans and literary for our coming Philippines trip in December.

Cooking: I just made spaghetti bolognese. I have afternoon shift today, so I have time to make food before going to work.

Drinking: Just water. I tried to stop drinking cacao now. I feel like gaining weight consuming a lot of sugars every day. But for sure hot choco is not the reason.

Reading: Haven’t been reading any books lately aside from reading blogs and articles online.

Traveling: to neighboring towns. That’s all for now. Two weekends ago we went to Hämeenlinna and a night cruise to Tallinn with just Meu and me. It was perfect and fun.

Wanting: to go back to the gym and be active.

Looking: forward for the next adventures and meetings with close friends.

Deciding: to be positive despite the bad things happened in life.

Wishing: I could travel to my home country right now! I cannot wait for December to come through.

Enjoying: my free time as much as I can. Also enjoying the remaining warm days before autumn kicks in.

Liking: the fact that I finished school and no more homework. I can focus on my work and my family.

Wondering: what will gonna happen next. Life is good so far!

Listening: Little mix songs over and over again. I love their songs and the only songs I want to listen lately.

Buying: planning to buy a small mirror camera called the Olympus Pen. At least before our trip to the Philippines.

Watching: any nice movies we can find on Netflix. I’ve seen Mama Mia 2 on cinema and wanted to watch it again. It’s not on Netflix now. Sad!

Hoping: everything will be fine!

Needing: some pampering time. A spa maybe?

Questioning: myself, Can I really do this? Answer: YES!! I can!

Smelling: a really nice perfume scent.

Thinking: too much about school and work.

Admiring: brave people who survive the pain and disappointments in life.

Getting: so strong and positive although deep inside I am really weak.

Bookmarking: new found travel and lifestyle blogs.

Disliking: the weather getting colder. I am not ready to say goodbye to summer yet.

Opening: my heart to new life’s opportunities. We don’t wait for tomorrow what we can do today.

Closing: the past both good and bad and just embrace the today and the future.

Feeling: happy about what is going on with my life right now. With God’s guidance I know I can do it!

Hearing: Rianna’s tiny voice singing

Celebrating: life and love every day.

Pretending: to be strong even if I already want to give up.

Embracing: life’s challenges. So hard to manage between work and being a parent.

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