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Sunny Weather + Stomach Flu

Yesterday me and Yanna walked to the city center and enjoyed the sunny weather. It was warm and really nice. We stayed home for a few days because of stomach bug and so happy to be able to go outside finally and enjoy the spring- sunny weather. These are some photos I took from yesterday.


The wind was cold but the sun is hot so it was really nice. It feels like summer. As we know the weather in Finland is so unpredictable. But lately we have sunshine and it is really nice to stay outside. We sat in one of the benches at the park, while I took a few photos. We manage to take these self-timer photos of both of us. I have not been able to take photos lately, and lately, the inspiration is back. Let’s take more daily photos again and document our daily lives more, shall we? I am a mama who always brings a camera. I’d like to document moments. Moments which I have been forgotten to appreciate these past few months due to stress at work and school. It’s driving me crazy and I cannot wait to finish the school and to not worry anymore about homework and exams.

Stomach Flu

The whole day yesterday Yanna was fine, even eating again after a few days of not eating. I really thought that she got better and not sick anymore. But in the evening she was crying and suffered from stomach pain, she vomited all the food what she had eaten. It seems that the stomach flu is still around. It’s hard to watch her suffer. I hope this bug will leave us alone soon! At first, I thought that she was only making drama, but she was so uncomfortable and told me she’s going to vomit, so I gave her a bowl where she could vomit. I asked her to go to the toilet maybe she just needs to. But a few minutes later she vomited and was so hot. At some point, I thought I’d call her father to ask him to bring her to the hospital. But if it’s stomach flu nothing we can do about it. The doctor would just say go home and rest. She went to bed, and after half an hour she fell asleep.

Today she woke up fine. She said she feels better now. She’s energetic and back to playing. She ate a little, not as much compared to yesterday. But it’s good to see her active again. We see how it goes tonight. I hope she’ll not gonna have stomach pain again. Tomorrow is Monday and she should be back to school. I pray for us to get better and this stomach bug to leave us alone. It’s not good to be sick. We are home for almost a week, and Yanna has been suffering stomachache for over a week now. Anyway, let’s be positive. Happy Spring to all!

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