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Pink Fields & Life Lately


Pink Fields

Still cannot believe its already May. The half of 2018 has gone by like a snap of a finger. I feel like I was asleep for the whole month of April. I haven’t blog for a while now and thought I’d share what’s going on with us lately. The stomach bug had hit us. It was last Thursday when Yanna’s school called asking us to pick her because she was sick. We stayed home on Friday. Over the weekend she was with her father, and I thought she was well, on Monday the school called again asking us to pick baby. Somehow her stomach pain continues. She was so weak and vomiting. Doesn’t want to eat anything or drink.


Life Lately

Yesterday also, I started to feel sick. I had diarrhea and feeling so poorly. Today I decided we visit the doctor and adviced us to rest and gave me three sick days leave. So now Yanna and I are both at home while writing this. I feel so sick, and feeling bored at the same time. My stomach is so bad right now. I hope that this will pass by really quickly and both of us will get better soon. Not so nice to be sick. It worries me a lot when Yanna is sick. I overthink everything and when she is so weak and not eating, I panic.

Aside from being sick, I am also excited to say that holiday trips are booked. In July we will be exploring Romania (also Warsaw and Riga), and Philippines (and Singapore) in December. I’m counting days to see my family and friends again, really soon!

Anyway, photos were taken a few months back. Didn’t have any time and inspirations to take photos lately. The weather is frustrating. It’s Spring, but then it’s cold and raining. Looking forward to hotter days soon.








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