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Winter Cruise To Stockholm


A Cruise Trip To Stockholm With Friends

We didn’t really plan to take a trip soon, as we are all busy working, especially a cruise trip to Stockholm again. Don’t get me wrong but I prefer to visit places I haven’t been to than come to the same place again and again. When my friend mentioned that they wanted to cruise to Stockholm, I said I didn’t have time. Then I realized that I have school on Thursday and have day offs Friday until Sunday, So I thought why not to have a quick trip. I have time and I don’t need to absent from work. Rianna will be happy to travel with her friend again. We will have a break from our busy days. We can relax and refresh our minds. At least not to think about work or school for a while.

So, I checked cruise tickets and found a really good winter deal and booked it days before. Can you believe we paid 8€ for our cabin and had paid additional 10€ to upgrade to a cabin with a sea view? It’s cheap to travel on weekdays especially if they offer deals. Although of course, we spent also on food and tax-free shopping. But overall it was a great trip and we all had fun. Also, I am a member of the Viking line club, so I get deals email from time to time.

Our little Yanna was so excited and happy to travel again with her friend. We spent mostly ín the play area. They were so busy playing that they don’t even think if we were with them or not. They were also dancing with other kids in the bar area and didn’t want to leave. She was so upset to leave her friend today. She knows they won’t be seeing each other for a while. But hopefully to meet them soon, though!

When we arrived in Stockholm, we didn’t have any plans where to go. But we knew we would grab some lunch, buy some souvenirs and explore the old town. I’m not really planning to explore because of the weather. It was cold and cloudy. Although Stockholm was warmer than in Finland. It was almost Spring there already, while still snowing in Finland. We walked to the old town and checked some souvenirs. Also, we were able to go to that famous spot in old town and took some photos there. We went back to ship around 1 pm and took a nap ready for the night. We had a buffet dinner in the evening. It was quite expensive but the food was good. And I like that they have food for kids as well.


























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It was scary to think about the icy sea we were floating. What if we hit an iceberg, lol! Seriously, it is not titanic era anymore. But you can see huge ice floating everywhere and imagine if accidents happen takes only seconds before you freeze in the water to death. Anyway, I took the last two photos of the other ship from our cabin. They happened to dock almost the same time in Ahvenmaa, and it was nice to watch it turned around. It was so close to our ship. I took the photos from our cabin window, and stared with awe. It was midnight and I was awake, lol! The trip was fun. Looking forward to the next adventures.

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