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A Christmas Party With My Friends



This year we’ve decided to celebrate Christmas differently in a good way. I normally celebrate Christmas with family but this year I choose to celebrate it with my friends. It’s always been a sad thing for me to be far away from my family on Christmas Day, so to make sure no ones feeling homesick, I celebrated Christmas with my closest friends in Finland and their family. It was the best Christmas I have ever been so far while in Finland. I guess it’s perfect to celebrate it with someone who has the same culture and traditions. It was the best by far! I hope it will happen again.

We had a traditional Noche Buena on Christmas Eve with both Filipino and Finnish foods on the table. We had exchange gifts and everyone was pleased and happy with their presents. Especially the kids of course! After the dinner and exchange gifts, we had karaoke. Karaoke has always been the best thing to do in the Philippines with family or with friends. I don’t really sing but I enjoy karaoke as much as everyone did. It was really fun. We slept late at night and woke up late on Christmas Day. It was like a short holiday. We sleep, eat, talk, laugh, watch movies, sing, dance, etc. I am so happy that I had few days off and I enjoyed it so much! Though, I caught bad flu after this trip and was sick for few days. We had the best Christmas this year and looking forward to the next year to come!


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