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Happy New Year / 2018 Goals



Happy New Year everyone!

Twenty seventeen passed by so quickly. It was such a good year full of fun, challenges and life’s adventures. I accomplished so many things in 2017 and, I am so grateful. One thing I am so grateful for is having a job. It was a dream come true for me. In 2017, we also traveled few countries for the first time. The downside of my 2017 is that I was sick the last week of 2017. So sick that I was absent for three days from work because I was so sick. Thankfully, I feel a little better now, and tomorrow I’m going back to work. Now that New year is here, it’s that time again to set new goals and new year’s resolutions.

These are some of my goals for this year 2018. I have to be realistic and only write what I think I can achieve this year. There you go!

  • To finish my school.
  • A trip to the Philippines (really working hard for this one.)
  • Visit Romania.
  • Eat healthy foods. Drink water instead of soda. Eat more fruits and veggies.
  • Blog more recipes and DIYs.
  • Bake cakes often.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Home workout at least 3-4 a week.
  • Write a daily journal.
  • Meet with my friends often.
  • Make a film/travel video. (A vlog or just any sort of film to document moments.) And as usual, capture little moments as much as possible through photographs.
  • Complete a 365 photo project.
  • Save enough money (x, xxx) at the end of 2018!
  • Go to the church and attend the mass. (Hopefully once a month or more. This is quite hard to achieve without having a car since I want to go to Helsinki).
  • Take more photos of me and Rianna together.
  • Do more fun things together with Rianna.
  • Trips and travel to neighboring places.
  • Lastly, focus on the positive things. Always be on time. Less worry and less stress. Be happy, contented, kind, patient and always pray!







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