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Rianna’s First Loose Tooth



October 27th when Rianna had her first loose tooth. She is five years and ten months old. When I noticed her tooth was moving days before, I was so surprised and couldn’t believe it. My girl is growing up too fast. The first tooth fell off when she was in school. The teacher wrapped it with a paper and had her name on it. When I went to pick her that day she was so excited to tell me that she had loose one tooth. She was so excited for the tooth fairy to come when she was sleeping that night, and surely she found chocolates under her pillow the next morning. She was so happy!

Today (November 13), while both of us had dinner the second tooth in front fell off also. Now she has two loose teeth both in front and under. I am so happy that I was able to witness when the second tooth fell off at home and not in school. When you look closely you can see a tiny tooth already pooped out and starts growing. I hope that she will have straight teeth like mine. Too early to say but let’s hope for it!





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