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First Day At Preschool



On August 7 Rianna started going to preschool. It is quite hard to believe how time goes so fast. Now I have a preschooler. She is five but still feels like she is a little baby to me. On her first day I could say she was not excited, rather was confused where we were going. I explained to her that she is a big girl now. Big girl goes to school and not to daycare anymore. I know it was all new for her. But on the second and third day, she already understood why she is in a different school now. She is gets excited going to school and I am happy that she get used to it faster than I expected. Also, i am happy to know that she found new friends. Every day she is telling me what she has done and what she ate on that day. We always have a cute and serious conversation on the way to school and coming back home. The school is not so far from where we live and we are walking going there. I am happy for this girl. And I hope she will learn fast in school and that she will find more friends.



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