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How come it is August already? We have passed half the year and soon it will be Christmas again. Time went by so fast and I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything this year. Although I know that I did. Actually a lot! July was an amazing month. I had two weeks work-free. One week rest days and the other week I spent exploring Prague. I have been wanting to visit Prague and wondered how it is there, and so happy that I finally visited this beautiful country. In July, the weather got warmer and finally, we experienced summer here, though some days are rainy. But it’s nice. We enjoyed the summer so much!

Making: plans and to do lists for the next month.

Cooking: I have not been cooking any special recipes lately as I don’t have time anymore. Working 8 hours a day and parenting the same time is a lot to handle. I always come home tired and sleepy. Although, I would like to change this and be active again like I used to before (i even workout at home before). I guess that I lost my balance the past few months.

Drinking: Water and hot choco in the morning. I drink soda as well, though not often.

Reading: As you all know I am studying and working. I am reading and studying school materials, books and online.

Traveling: I spent a week in Prague in July and it was such a great trip. Now planning for another trip again somewhere nearby and in Europe.

Wanting: to have a holiday in the Philippines. Hopefully next year.

Looking: forward to have another holiday. :)

Deciding: I have been thinking lately about moving to a bigger apartment near centrum. Hard to decide if it’s worth it or not, or if I really need a bigger space. Our apartment is big enough for me and my daughter.

Wishing: to win the lottery. ALWAYS! haha even if I don’t actually play:)

Enjoying: the summer weather. Rainy sometimes though!

Waiting: for the next adventure.

Liking: the life lately. Not so many worries especially financial. It’s just fits everything what we need.

Wondering: what the future brings.

Loving: how wonderful life is!

Listening: to “Aint It Me” by Selena Gomez. I love the melody of this song.

Buying: a house…. I know soon I will!

Watching: some random movies. Haven’t seen a really good movie that I like lately.

Hoping: everything goes well as it should be.

Needing: a beach vacation somewhere.

Questioning: “Have I done enough?”. Have I done all my best?”… Or should I try more? Yes, I should try more to learn the Finnish language!

Smelling: like a baby after a warm shower. :)

Noticing: how much Yanna have grown lately. She is now so talkative! She talks so much English now!

Thinking: about so many things right now. School papers, exams, and work! I can do this!

Admiring: the great single moms out there for surviving life despite how hard it is to raise a family alone.

Getting: nervous and excited for my next life’s ventures.

Bookmarking: new-found blogs.

Disliking: myself for having less self-confidence. I know I can do it but I don’t trust myself that much.

Opening: my heart for new opportunities.

Closing: all the regrets in my life. I want to be positive and motivated instead of worrying about things that already happened and cannot be undone.

Feeling: happy, excited, confused, scared… ahhh don’t know!

Hearing: some cool new songs.

Celebrating: a simple and happy life. Life is so good so far!

Pretending: not to look tired even though my body is in pain. haha

Embracing: the moment.

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